April 20, 2009

Loving the Weekends

Sam and I had a great weekend. It has been great to actually enjoy them now that my schoolwork has almost come to a complete stop thankfully! Friday is my day off from school, so last Friday Bailey and I went to Chick-fil-a to get lunch for Sam and I. I picked him and and the three of us went to the park to have a picnic lunch. It was marvelous! The weather was perfect and food was perfect along with the company! We had dinner with friends that night to cap off the day! We enjoyed a Saturday hanging in with the family with a nice grilled lunch and a little bit of frisbie mixed in! Sam, being the wonderful husband that he is, took me out for a date night to Spaghetti Factory which is my favorite place ever and to a movie. The food was great..the movie could have been great if the audience would have been mature and not the most rude people I have ever seen! I hate when people talk and cut up and get up during a movie! It is so distracting!!! Sam and I both were irritated! No more late movies for us at Opry Mills! Nope not again! I love my weekends with Sam! By the way...first day went pretty well! I had a sub instead of my mentor teacher, but I got to teach a lesson off the seat of my pants and it went well! Now if only the same can be said about the lessons that I actually have planned! We shall see! Tomorrow I have math and language arts...Wednesday reading of all kinds!

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