We are so excited for new things that are going on with us, granted some of the new that we want is a waiting game, but still we are anticipating and look forward to the things ahead even if it means that we will be waiting awhile! Wow, that was a long, possibly run-on sentence, but o well! Today, I had my last first day of college classes!!! It was a great feeling to know that I am on the downward path to graduation! I am getting "senioritis" really fast! :) Which graduation day is May 7th, not that I looked at that today at all! lol It was great to sit in class and my teacher say "A year from now you will be in your first classroom on your first day and getting paid for it!" That was an awesome realization! I also got my parking decal today which expires in August 2010...I will be long gone by then! That was awesome! We are both just absolutely ready for change! We are excited to see what this upcoming year has in store for us! Please be in prayer for us for this year as it will definitely bring its challenges!
*By the way, I thought about taking a self timed picture of my first day of my last semester of school classes, but decided against it! lol If someone would have taken it for me then maybe, but I could not bring myself to self-time the whole deal! Just thought I would share that!
August 31, 2009
August 29, 2009
We took a trip back in June if you remember for our vacation/first year celebration because in August, Sam can't take vacation time, so we decided to celebrate slightly early. Well, we couldn't let our anniversary pass without doing something and we both needed a little getaway, so we packed up after work on a Friday and took off to St. Louis! I must say that I absolutely love that place! If I were willing to move out of state, I would definitely be alright living there! There is so much to do that Sam and I will have to go back...there just wasn't enough time in the weekend to get to all the places. We spent Saturday at Six Flags St. Louis
which was so much fun! It was extremely hot, but we had a blast (aside from all the awful smell of BO!) We were able to enjoy ourselves even more once we bought the free refill with purchase of Souvenir cup!
Being there brought me back to when I was little and rode on the rides I was tall enough to go on with my dad. He was the only one who would ride them aside from me! Good news though, I finally grew enough that I didn't get my height checked this go around! Sam didn't either for those of you wondering about him! :) We both got tossed around in several of the rides though, which again brought me back to when my head was barely out of the little bar things and my head would bounce side to side due to the jerkiness and it still did it! Not quite tall enough I guess! :( I got to get a picture with Elmer Fud..he was the only one out and about on this hot hot day!
We were exhausted, smelly, sweaty, and down right nasty 
so we headed back to the hotel. We decided we had to get something to eat, so we asked Sarah, Sam's sister who has been to St. Louis many, many, times for suggestions on places we really needed to try out. She directed us to "The Hill' where we at some authentic Italian wonderfulness! To say we were stuffed to the max is an understatement! I felt like I was carrying a small child of food in my stomach on the walk back to the car! Anyways, before we headed back home from our weekend getaway, we had to go to the arch. I mean who can take a trip to the "Gateway to the West" without going to see the gateway?!
We waited for awhile, but got to learn a lot about the city and how it all started. Let me just say that if you a person who is claustrophobic you should NOT go up the arch! You are packed into a 5 seater little mini-mobile and taken up the side of the arch. It is BEAUTIFUL when you get up there, but man oh man, the ride up and down is really no fun! You are better off asking to take the stairs for a little bit of exercise...okay that would be a tremendous amount of exercise that no one should really do, but you get my point. It is a tight squeeze! We took the ride anyways and at the top looked to the east and west of the city and it was amazing!
This is us in the top of the very crowded arch, but we managed to snap a quick photo to remember the moment! :) We left from there and found Ted Drewes,
a wonderful place to eat some frozen custard (ice cream)!We had to have some authentic, only found in St. Louis lunch, so we ate at St. Louis Bread Co. and what do you know it turned out to be Panera Bread! So much for being authentic! We still need to visit the City Museum, the Zoo (free), the Science Museum (free), Busch Stadium, and probably some other things that I don't know about yet, but will do them once I learn about them! On a side note, we kept driving through the city limits of "Shrewsbury", so we had to get a picture to document "our little town", but it would come and go very quickly! Bound and determined we were and sure enough were able to snap a quick pic before we left, in motion and everything, but please disregard the foot in the picture! :)
It was definitely somewhere that both of us want to return to! We had a great time on our one year anniversary weekend getaway!
The other celebration that we have had is the passing of my 4 praxis tests, but we all know about that, so I won't go back there! We did go eat at Shogun's though for a little Congrats! It was wonderful too!
It was definitely somewhere that both of us want to return to! We had a great time on our one year anniversary weekend getaway!
The other celebration that we have had is the passing of my 4 praxis tests, but we all know about that, so I won't go back there! We did go eat at Shogun's though for a little Congrats! It was wonderful too!
August 25, 2009
I PASSED ALL OF THE PRAXIS TESTS!!! I have made this announcement on any form of status update possible..twitter, facebook, don't do myspace, but it I would put it there too! I can now focus on my last semester of college classes! I can officially student teach in the spring! I am going to be a teacher! WOW!! I feel awesome right now! Thank you so much for your prayers and support! YAY!
August 15, 2009
One Year Ago..
This post is slightly delayed, but being posted now that I have a computer that will cooperate with me! I am getting use to this new computer so postings are taking me slightly longer than normal and I can't figure out how to get my pictures from my memory stick to my computer, so this will take me awhile! Anyway back to the purpose of this post..One year ago we said "I do"!
On August 9, 2008, we became our own little family and have been loving every single second of it! This past year has definitely been a year of ups and downs, but we have been enduring them together and I cannot think of a better person to be experiencing it all than with Sam. On that day we set aside all of our worries and what ifs, and focused on us! It was a perfect day to say the least! The men always find a way to have fun even when it is crazy hot outside and in tuxes..
. I thought it would be pretty cool to wear the hottest shoes created, but they are better to look at then wear...I mean seriously look at these crazy awesome shoes
ok ok back to the day..we took a million pictures and had extreme pain in the jaw area from all of the smiles, but it was worth it! Our pictures are amazing and although I can sit here and type about it all I thought I would just share some of my favorite pictures of our wedding day.

Please note that these pictures were taken by Shannon Basel from Mint and Sage photography. We would like to thank her and her girls for capturing our day so that we will have memories for a lifetime!
As we start another year of our life together, we look forward to all that comes our way knowing that we are not alone!
Thank you God for all that you have done and continue to do for our family!
SIDE NOTE: This post looks a little funny when I "posted it" and viewed it, but it took me too long to get it to look like what it does, so until I figure out all of these technical difficulties, I guess this is what it will be! :)

Please note that these pictures were taken by Shannon Basel from Mint and Sage photography. We would like to thank her and her girls for capturing our day so that we will have memories for a lifetime!
As we start another year of our life together, we look forward to all that comes our way knowing that we are not alone!
Thank you God for all that you have done and continue to do for our family!
SIDE NOTE: This post looks a little funny when I "posted it" and viewed it, but it took me too long to get it to look like what it does, so until I figure out all of these technical difficulties, I guess this is what it will be! :)
We're Back In With the World
That's right ladies and gentleman we are back in tune with the outside world! Sam went today to get us a computer and came home with a MacBook Pro and an itouch! We have been enjoying both of them all night long and I must admit, we are slightly addicted to the itouch! We are trying to figure out how we can share it because we both have fallen in love! This is not the point of this post. The point is that we are back to blogging which is what really matters!
August 12, 2009
Just So You Know..
..we have not fallen off the face of the planet. No this is something much more serious than that! Our computer has gone to a better place! It has officially had its last blog, last paper, last anything else that it can do as of the weekend. We are going to just have to buy a new one cause fixing the dead one is pointless. So with that said...I sadly, very sadly must say that my blogging days are on hold for the moment...well until we get a new computer. At the moment I am updating on my friends John and Lindsey's computer because I just had to tell you all! I could not keep you hanging wondering where in the world we are! :) But there is lots to blog about such as a trip to St. Louis, our one year, a new hair style, and I'm sure there's something else I am leaving out, but those are somethings coming soon! Well coming as soon as we get a computer that is! :) Alright well now you know what has been recently going on in our house that has been keeping me from sharing it with all of you!
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