Some of you have heard of "Not Me Mondays". Some of you have heard of "Show Us Where You Live Friday's", but there's a new trend out and about these might have heard about it. It's called Smilebox Sunday's. Lindsey started this trend of Smilebox Sunday and I am joining the bandwagon! She gives instructions in her blog, so just click on the link on her name and you can see how to do it too! Hope you enjoy our first "Smilebox Sunday"!
May 31, 2009
May 27, 2009
The Love Affair of Bailey and Heidi
Just for fun and because I am on a blogging roll I thought I would do a photo post tribute to Heidi and Bailey.
New Patio
The patio has always been known as "Sam's area" in this home! This grill is back there and he makes sure that it is swept and looking nice all the time. I got him a bistro set for his birthday which started an overhaul of our patio. We went to Lowe's on Saturday and loaded up on stuff to put on the patio. We got some flowers, top soil, hanging planter, a rug, and some other odds and ends. We looked like weirdos walking around there though because we did not have a clue about flowers or anything. I did not get a before picture, but just think of concrete everywhere and dirt! These are the after shots of our back patio.
Memorial Day
We spent Memorial Day relaxing at John and Lindsey's house. Bailey and their dog Heidi got to spend the entire day playing outside..which was really messy!
I think Bailey was trying to look like his friend if you ask me! We grilled out all day, talked, threw some football, grilled some more, relaxed, and just really enjoyed ourselves. We made sure to not miss Jon and Kate Plus 8 season premiere, which answered no questions! We had a great time hanging out together! Oh yeah..and we had a photo session by the fire because the guys love taking pictures so we wouldn't want to disappoint!

Super Nanny
I quit working at the Christian school daycare to pursue to new job..nannying Emily and Elaina for the summer! We were busy the first week:
Sammy D Turns 23
May 14th is Sam's birthday. This year it landed on the day before we left for Texas, so we spent the night packing, dropping off Bailey, and getting to his moms. Because we knew we weren't going to be able to get together on the actual date, we went out to eat with John and Lindsey to Shogun on Wed. It was delicious! We came back to our house and enjoyed chatting out on the patio. Since Thursday night was booked, I took Sam out for a birthday lunch to Chili's. I got him a bistro set for his birthday, which is something that he had been begging to get for the longest time! Friday night we celebrated Mrs. Terri's and Sam's birthday at a restuarant in the hotel. They each got a free dessert. This was Mrs. Terri's.
This was Sam's.
They both had great birthday's with friends and family!
So did Cayln and I!!

Trip to Dallas, TX
Mrs. Terri invited Sam and I to go to Dallas, TX to attend a rememberance get together of the founder of Saxon publishing, but they were also going to do a rememberance to Mr. Sam. Mrs. Terri, Sam, Gina, Chris, Calyn, and I all went to Dallas and stayed in the Gaylord Texan. It was fabulous, much more easier to find your way around there then Gaylord Opryland! Bailey wanted to go too but he had to stay at my parents house!
Sam, Mrs. Terri and I got there first and were able to walk around and get to know the lay of the hotel. We even had time to shop at Grapevine Mills, Opry Mills in a bigger version! We enjoyed a family dinner together that night with Gina, Chris, and Calyn. The next morning "the kids" went to breakfast at Cracker Barrel and Mrs. Terri stayed behind to have breakfast with a friend. Calyn loved the toys at Cracker Barrel!
We went to the celebration/rememberance get together that afternoon. Sam got up in front of everyone and told stories about his dad. We were all teary eyed, but all VERY proud of him!!
He did a fantastic job! That night we went to Pappadeux for dinner. Sam and Chris had looked gross..I didn't try it, just took pictures of it.
The next morning before we left to head home, Sam, Chris, Calyn, and I went to the JFK Memorial and to the 6th floor. That was awesome! I love to see historical stuff in real life, not history books! We learned quite a bit about all the controversy and conspiracy behind it all! We flew home that afternoon and were very tired to say the least! Texas was great though! We really enjoyed our time with family!

Bailey Meets Eyeshadow
I know it seems like I am posting a lot about Bailey, but honestly I am going in order of my pictures I uploaded finally! (Thanks Momma!) I was getting ready for work putting on my makeup going through my normal routine. Bailey had been running around like a wild man, but I noticed that I couldn't hear him. I turned around and he had his face and paws in my eyeshadow. It was not funny at the moment, but a little after I was finding my blush puppy's face and paws hilarious! (Although the makeup spot in the floor is not really funny!) I took some pictures, but the flash kept making him close his eyes so it makes them a little funnier! (The brownish-pink areas in his beard and front paws is eyeshadow!)
I took a trip one Saturday to my parents house to help Libby get ready for prom. I was in charge of makeup! Anyways after Libby left, I took the opportunity to take some pictures of Bailey. This is the best, cutest picture that I got!

May 23, 2009
Lots of Blogging is to Come
Just so everyone knows, we have not fallen off the face of the planet. We have been pretty busy lately and due to camera crap out, I have borrowed my mom's camera to take pictures of it all. I am waiting to blog about it all until I can get the pictures up to go along! I have been blogging a lot with no pictures and it is driving me crazy! So until then just know that we have flown out of state, had a birthday, updated our back patio, and softball season is going full force! Pictures and stories are hopefully soon to come!
May 5, 2009
Finally Finished...
with this semester although I really wish I could be typing ..."with college" but that won't happen until this time next year! I am very proud of making it through this semester because there were several times that I tried to convince Sam that I should drop out (even though I would NEVER do that) No worries! This was a semesters of firsts..first time teaching in a classroom...first time making real lessons...but the biggest and hardest one for me was first time I've had all classes in an actual classroom! I've taken at least one if not more online classes every year until now! lol Come finals time...its craziness with all classes on campus! :) In a little less than 2 weeks I start an online class and will take two online classes this summer, but that is alright! I have one more semester of in class classes and then student teaching! I am officially a SENIOR!! YAY!! WOO HOO!!! :)
As for the has been pretty uneventful! We thought I had a possible case of the swine flu, but that turned out to be well..we really don't know, but whatever it was it is thankfully gone! Just a note if you ever look up on WebMD the symptoms of start to think that you have everything! I had all the symptons of swine flu, thus the reasoning behind our thinking...but it was not! Sam was wonderful and took care of me while I was sick so points for him!! We spent Saturday in and Sunday afternoon in, but I think that is just what we needed! The rest of May weekends are kind of jammed pack so it was nice to have a weekend to completely relax! Well that is really all that has been going on around here, pretty uneventful but I needed to update! It's been over a week!! :)
FUN FACT: Today is the day that Sam told me he loved me four years ago!! How sweet! OH and I reminded him of this fact and he remembered exactly from location to dress! Amazing!
As for the has been pretty uneventful! We thought I had a possible case of the swine flu, but that turned out to be well..we really don't know, but whatever it was it is thankfully gone! Just a note if you ever look up on WebMD the symptoms of start to think that you have everything! I had all the symptons of swine flu, thus the reasoning behind our thinking...but it was not! Sam was wonderful and took care of me while I was sick so points for him!! We spent Saturday in and Sunday afternoon in, but I think that is just what we needed! The rest of May weekends are kind of jammed pack so it was nice to have a weekend to completely relax! Well that is really all that has been going on around here, pretty uneventful but I needed to update! It's been over a week!! :)
FUN FACT: Today is the day that Sam told me he loved me four years ago!! How sweet! OH and I reminded him of this fact and he remembered exactly from location to dress! Amazing!
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