March 4, 2012


I know that talking about weight is something that women do not like to do. I have been talking about my weight loss goal for over the past year now. My last post was about being determined to finish what I started. I am determined to run this half marathon. I was determined to lose the last few lbs. Amanda and I have been doing some serious training. By serious, I mean we got up and ran at 5 in the morning on Tuesday. If you know me, that's pretty serious because I cherish my sleep and do not get up early unless I am forced to do so because of work or something! :)

Anyway, Thursday night I was feeling good about myself and thought why not check out the weight. On January 1, 2011 I weighed a good ole 141. For my height, that is not so awesome. On March 1, 2012 I weighed a grand 120.2!!! Even better was when I got up Friday morning and was 119.2! It feels amazing to have finally accomplished my goal. As you can see, I am have been working on this awhile. I have also gained muscle mass which has been something that has kept me away from reaching my goal, but all this running is melting it off.

I can't wait to share a post after I accomplish my other goal this year. Crossing that finish line on April 28th is going to feel so amazing! Here's to more weeks of training! :)

1 comment:

mama said...

Yay! So proud of both of you for your "stick-to-it-tiveness"!