This year Sam is wanting to bulk up with some muscle mass. He has been working out like crazy. I am determined to get rid of the last 4-5 lbs that I didn't get off last year, but I am adding to that list. I am currently training to run in the Country Music Half-Marathon. I am training with my friend Amanda as an accountability partner. She is running the half to try to raise money for a mission trip that she and her husband are going on in June. She knew she wouldn't be truly motivated if she tried to do it alone, so I said..hey why not!?
I am determined to do this! Training is not an easy process at all. 13.1 miles seems like a million miles as I am running 4 miles. I know that it will get better, but this is not an easy task. I am determined to put my mind over pain. I have shin splints that are trying to keep me on the couch and off the road. Come to find out all I have to do is stay off the treadmill and my shin splints cool off! Apparently I don't know how to run on the treadmill!
This past Saturday Amanda and I had our long run which was 4 miles. I know that doesn't sound like a lot, but it was the longest one that we have had so far. As a motivating and uplifting factor, I decided after we completed the run to look up the results from the 5K that we ran together back in May of last year. We ran 5K (3 miles) in 42 minutes. Yesterday, we ran 4 miles in 47 minutes. I don't know about you, but I feel that that is pretty impressive compared to a year ago. Hopefully, that number will keep getting better and better as we continue to train. For having one been training for two weeks, I'd say we are off to a nice start!
This is the after photo of the 5K from May 2011. I am looking forward to being able to post an after photo in April after we finish our goal of running this half marathon. I know I am going to do it. I am determined!