This year we decided to vacation a little differently. You see, this year we took our very first Shrewsbury family vacation. Mrs. Terri, my wonderful mother in law, (no lie she really is awesome) decided that she wanted to get away with all of her kids and grandkids. We planned in May to take off the second week of July and head out to Hilton Head. It was a little rocky there right at the end as to whether or not we were going to actually go. Real estate can sure be up in the air, but after weeks of getting closings pushed back and an endless night before vacation time of moving out of a house into a new house, we made it! Sam and I got very little sleep. There are two things that I have learned while vacationing or traveling with Sam. One is that we leave early. He doesn't like traveling during the majority of a day if he doesn't have to. Two is that you hold your need of bathroom breaks and make yourself have a bladder of steel! Being able to do these things makes traveling much easier in this household! We spent the week together in an amazing house! We really did have a great time together. The girls are so darn cute!

Calyn asked us all week to swim with her. On our last night we finally got in the pool. It was a little small for all of us to get in, but we made it work!

This was our last day at the beach...and it rained. :(

Beautiful Shrewsbury family if I may say so myself!

Building sand castles was Calyn's favorite thing to do at the beach. We also taught her how to ride the waves.

Aunt and Uncle picture with our nieces!

Ready to start the trek home.
Sam and I took a date day and traveled to Savannah, Georgia. It was only 45 minutes away and was a perfect day. Well, aside for the downpour of rain that would happen every few hours, but it was still beautiful there. We were both pretty intrigued by the trees. We got a picture in one of the many park like areas.

I'd say for the first real family vacation it was pretty successful. There are not many families that can be put in one house and not be hanging each other up by their toenails by the end of the week..but I am glad to say that no hanging by toenails, hair pulling, or name calling occurred on this vacation! :)